The quantity and quality of these constituent may not usually be the same under certain conditions, so fruits sold in Owerri where heavy pollutant abound were analysed, three samples of each water melon, Pawpaw, pineapple and orange fruits were bought from Owerri commercial centre and their juices extracted and stored in screw cap bottles prior to analysis. The physiochemical parameters revealed that fruits were of good quality but showed positive and negative significant relationship correlation ships such as pH-FW (0.958), pH-SG (-0.025), TS-MC (-0.999), TA-FW (-0.987). Vitamin C content ranged from 13.14 ± 0.39 mg/100g to 75.46 ±1.72 mg/100g for water melon and orange respectively. In conclusion, fruits studied showed good quality and a good source of vitamin C and mineral content. Such analysis needs to be carried out periodically to ensure quality and create awareness to the public.