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2025 | 59 | 221-238

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The plant universe in the culture of Brazilian Indigenous peoples


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The forest is the main provider for the lives of Indigenous peoples, with their imagination intrinsically linked to the animals, trees, and entities that inhabit it. The purpose of this article is to present some of the coexistence relationships between Indigenous peoples and the forest where they live, the meaning of territoriality, respect for the forest, its manifestations, and the entities that dwell in and pass through it. It also explores the representation of the plant universe for traditional populations that preserve the environment and are constantly threatened by external forces. The study was conducted with Indigenous peoples from different ethnic groups living in the following Brazilian biomes: Amazon, Cerrado, and Caatinga. Open and semi-structured interviews were used as methods for data collection. This approach is based on a socio-affective construction of knowledge, aligning with the Indigenous worldview. It respects and upholds their relational significance and transcribes lived and shared cultural experiences. These experiences are expressed through the rich use of metaphors, stories, and symbols, incorporating soundscapes, visual elements, and landscapes as part of their lived space. The study delves into the environmental, mythical, and spiritual dimensions of Indigenous peoples.






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  • The Institute of Biopaleogeography named under Charles R. Darwin, Złocieniec, District Drawski, West Pomerania, Poland


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