Ecological photography is the term for pictures taken of the outside world for artistic, scientific, or monitoring objectives. This study aimed to capture the fauna encountered at the M.K.O. Abiola sport complex during the daytime. Capturing was done across all the sections of the sports complex using a smart phone (Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max). The fauna captured can be grouped into invertebrate and vertebrate organisms, which be further divided in to classes such as Insecta (Ants, Grasshoppers, Butterfly, Dragon fly, Beetles, Flies, Bee, Wasps), Arachnida (Spider), Mollusca (African giant land snail), Reptilia (Lizards and Skinks), Aves (Pigeons, Laughing doves, Cattle egrets, Domestic Chickens) and Mammalia (Domestic Goats). The variety of animal species observed during the day in sports complexes showcases the ability of these urban areas to foster biodiversity, even with significant human presence. Insects and birds constitute the bulk of the species that flourish in these settings. Effective management and the integration of biodiversity-friendly methods can improve the ecological significance of sports complexes, aiding in the sustainability of urban ecosystems.