Water is an essential component of life with a wide range of uses, the mismanagement and the lack of monitoring as posed a lot of reduction on the water quality. The study aims to evaluate the level of elements and the possible health risk in water around an open dumpsite. Water samples were collected from wells, streams and boreholes surrounding the site in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Acid Digestions was done using 20 ml conc. HNO3 acid solution. Elemental estimation was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Result showed that the level of element in the water sources were lower than the WHO standards except for Fe (0.85 mg/L) which is higher (0.30 mg/L). Pearson correlation revealed that Ca, Na and Mn had a significant positive relationship while and factor analysis reviewed four components with the component 1, having 36% variance and strong loading with Ca, Na and Mn. Hazard Index (HI) values show a downward pattern of P b> Cr > Cd.>Ni > Mn > Ag > Zn and Cr > Cd> Ag > Ni > Mn > Pb > Zn for adults and children respectively which were less than 1. This indicated no significant hazard effect on the population making use of the water. The carcinogenic risk of Pb and Cr for the population was less than the described limit of 1×10-6 which indicates a negligible carcinogenic risk to the human population. The study shows that the water sources around the open dumpsite posed no hazardous effect on the residents utilizing the water sources for domestic purposes.