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Effect of Neem Leaf Meal (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) Inclusion Levels on the Growth Performance, Digestibility and Nitrogen Utilization of Yankasa Rams


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This study was undertaken to appraise the influence of neem leaf meal (NLM) inclusion on the growth performance, digestibility and nitrogen utilization of Yankasa rams. The study was conducted at Prof. Lawal Abdu Saulawa Livestock Teaching and Research Farm, Federal University Dutsin-Ma. Neem leaf meal (NLM) was air-dried for eight (8) days and incorporated with maize offal, cowpea husk, cotton seed cake, bone meal and salt as diets. Twenty Yankasa rams were randomly assigned to four treatments with A (0%), B (5%), C (10%), and D (15%) NLM inclusion levels in a Completely Randomized Design, each with five replicates. The 84-day growth trial revealed that feed intake decreased with increasing NLM levels, but weight gain was unaffected (p > 0.05). The 15% NLM group showed the highest average daily weight gain (112.88 g) and total weight gain (9.19 kg). Feed cost per kilogram and cost per live weight gain improved with higher NLM inclusion. Dry matter digestibility was highest at 10% NLM (91.71%), while ether extract and nitrogen-free extract digestibility were higher in neem-supplemented groups. Nitrogen utilization parameters improved with increasing NLM levels, with higher nitrogen retention and lower faecal nitrogen in NLM fed groups. The results suggest that neem leaves, an underutilized resource, can reduce feed costs while supporting sustainable feeding practices. The recommendation of the research is that neem leaf meal can be included in ram meal as high as 15% for optimal performance.






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  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria
  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria
  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria
  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria


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