A cultural keystone species has great significance to a particular culture or a people, who influence the social systems and culture of a community's identity. The objective of this study was to carry out a survey on the importance of the jaguar in the way of life of indigenous people of Brazilian territory. The studies were carried out with Indigenous people living in the Brazilian Amazon, from the Juruna, Arara, Tenharim, and Mura ethnic groups, and in the Savannah biome, from the Bororo, Xavante, Guarani Kaiowá and Guarani Ñandeva ethnic groups. The approach used in this study was qualitative because the data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, following free dialogues in obtaining descriptive data from the reports of the target audience. There are many narratives about aspects of the jaguar because this feline is one of the most important animals in the cosmology of the people who inhabit the Brazilian forests and savannas.