This study aimed to assess family planning and the associated risk factors among women attending maternity centers in Akure metropolis. Four maternity centers (Basic Health Center Familusi (Zone 5), Basic Health Centre Oke-Aro, Basic Health Centre Orita Obele and Comprehensive Health Centre Arakale) were randomly selected to participate in the study. Quantitative methods, which include the use of questionnaires were utilized to collect data for the study. The data was coded, entered and analyzed using the SPSS software program. The results showed that majority of the participants are between the ages 31-35 years of age. It was further observed that religion played a vital role in determining the child spacing in marriages. Higher side effect of family planning was noted among people practicing different family planning methods. The side effects include excessive weight gain as complained by 43 participants, 24 participants complained of vomiting whenever they take the drug and 42 complained of excessive heavy flow during their mensuration. These showed that most of the respondent believed that child control methods have side effects and this might be an important reason why most people in the community avoid the methods. To further increase awareness and improve mother to child care in the study area, government and religious leaders should be encouraged to educate the people on child spacing and family planning.