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A floral wealth and diversity: An outstanding status in Puducherry Union Territory – A review


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The Puducherry Union Territory has greater floral cover percentiles (0.43%) at different locations in both aquatic and terrestrial regions. Octa Floral Diversity Region (OFDR) is the collective name for the eight distinct floral diversity regions that were examined for this review from the union territory of Puducherry. Review on previous studies around 2278 species, 1523 genera, 561 families, and 25 endangered species have been found in Puducherry's diverse ecosystems (Bahour Lake, Ousteri wetland and restoration, Pondicherry University campus, estuary, terrestrial grassland, Sacred grooves, and coastal flora). Sacred grooves had the greatest percentage of significant vegetative status across species, genera, and families when compared to the floral diversity status on OFDR. The estuarine floral exploration had the lowest percentage compared with TDEF of the Pondicherry University campus (PU), Sacred Groves, Ousteri wetland, Restoration, and terrestrial flora, which are arranged in descending order of percentage. The country-level analysis of floral diversity (%) revealed a descending order in which India, China, Africa, Russia, the Arctic, the OFDR, Europe, and Antarctica were included. Different results were obtained from quantitative research conducted at the national, state, and union territory levels on species and diversity strata in terrestrial and aquatic biomes. Quantitative floral data will help manage and conserve wetland forests. The findings indicate that the floral status of OFDR across a range of ecosystems falls into a significantly rich diversity and wealth category. Hence, the author reviewed OFDR's floral status under the outstanding status. There are a few recommendations that could be proposed to protect Puducherry's wealth: 1. Stop indiscriminate logging, 2. An in-depth analysis of the multi-decade inventory is required for the OFDR regions in Puducherry, 3. Both terrestrial and aquatic environments reported threatened flora, and actions can be conducted to save them.







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  • Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Puducherry Technological University, Karaikal, Puducherry, India


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