This study was designed to examine the Level of Polymerization of Sickle Cell Disease and Methaeglobin in the Presence of Paracetamol, the research was carried out using standard procedures. The present study has shown the level of polymerization of sickle cell disease and methaemoglobin in the presence of paracetamol. Within the experimental time of 30-180 seconds, the relative polymerizations range between the following; 70.43 ± 0.87 to 72.10 ± 0.37 at the control (0 mg/dl), at 50 mg/dl, there was an increase from 65.78 ± 0.89 to 69.47±1.00, at 100 mg/dl there was an increase in the polymerization from 68.96 ± 0.99 to 72.33 ±1.02, at 200 mg/dl there was an increase in the polymerization from 65.96 ± 69.26 ± 1.00 and at 500 mg/dl, there was an increase in the polymerization form 66.05 ± 0.98 to 69.42 ± 0.92. This increase in polymerization can be said to be due to the increase in the absorbance of paracetamol. However, the absorbance of the polymerization mixture in the presence of the malarial drug was not significantly different (p < 0.05) from the control sample at the 30 second. The present study showed that the level of polymerization of Hemoglobin S (HbS) molecules was attenuated upon the introduction of the anti-malarial drugs in the polymerizing mixture. The percentage of methaemoglobin increases with the increase in concentration of paracetamol from 2.77 ± 0.05 to 3.30 ± 0.03 starting from 0 mg/dl to 500 mg/dl concentration.