Dyrektor zasobów profesjonalnych na EURMEA Alcon Vision Care
1. Young G, Veys J, Pritchard N, Coleman S. A multi-centre study of lapsed contact lens wearers. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2002; 22(6): 516-527.
2. Rumpakis J. New data on contact lens dropouts: An international perspective. Review of Optometry 2010 [online: http:// www.revoptom.com/content/d/contact_lenses_and_solutions/c/18929] (dostęp: 15.01.2010).
3. Dumbleton K, Woods CA, Jones LW, et al. The impact of contemporary contact lenses on contact lens discontinuation. Eye Contact Lens. 2013; 39(1): 93-99.
4. Chalmers RL, Hunt C, Hickson-Curran S, et al. Struggle with hydrogel CL wear increases with age in young adults. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2009; 32(3): 113-119.
5. Sankaridurg P, Chen X, Naduvilath T, et al. Adverse Events during 2 Years of Daily Wear of Silicone Hydrogels in Children. Optom Vis Sci 2013; 90(9): 961-969.
6. Schafer J, Mitchell GL, Chalmers RL, et al. The stability of dryness symptoms after refitting with silicone hydrogel contact lenses over 3 years. Eye Contact Lens 2007; 33(5): 247-252.
7. Guillon M. Are silicone hydrogel contact lenses more comfortable than hydrogel contact lenses? Eye Contact Lens 2013; 39(1): 86-92.
8. Papas E. Close to the edge: Oxygen at the lens periphery. Contact Lens Spectrum. 2013; Special Edition: 6-7.
9. González-Méijome JM, López-Alemany A, Almeida JB, et al. Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the in vitro dehydration process of hydrogel contact lenses. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2007; 83(2): 512-526.
10. Morgan PB, Efron N. In vivo dehydration of silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Eye Contact Lens 2003; 29(3): 173-176.
11. Jones L, May C, Nazar L, et al. In vitro evaluation of the dehydration characteristics of silicone hydrogel and conventional hydrogel contact lens materials. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2002; 25(3): 147-156.
13. Chalmers R., Long B, Dillehay S, et al. Improving contact-lens related dryness symptoms with silicone hydrogel lenses. Optom Vis Sci 2008; 85(8): 778-784.
14. Zhao Z, Carnt NA, Aliwarga Y, et al. Care regimen and lens material influence on silicone hydrogel contact lens deposition. Optom Vis Sci 2009; 86(3): 251-259.
15. Tighe B. Silicone hydrogels: Structure, properties and behaviour. In: Silicone Hydrogels: Continuous Wear Contact Lenses. Sweeney D (ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford 2004: 1-27.
16. Panaser A, Tighe BJ. Function of lipids – their fate in contact lens wear: an interpretive review. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2012; 35(3): 100-111.
17. Young G, Chalmers R, Napier L, et al. Soft contact lens-related dryness with and without clinical signs. Optom Vis Sci 2012; 89(8): 1125-1132.
18. Dogru M, Ward SK, Wakamatsu T, et al. The effects of 2 week senofilcon-A silicone hydrogel contact lens daily wear on tear functions and ocular surface health status. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2011; 34(2): 77-82.
19. Nash W, Gabriel M, Mowrey-Mckee M. A comparison of various silicone hydrogel lenses; lipid and protein deposition as a result of daily wear. Optom Vis Sci 2010; 87(e-abstract: 105110).
20. Kern J, Rappon J, Bauman E, et al. Assessment of the relationship between contact lens coefficient of friction and subject lens comfort. Invest Oph & Vis Sci 2013; 54(e-abstract: 494).
21. Pult H, Purslow C, Berry M, et al. Clinical tests for successful contact lens wear: relationship and predictive potential. Optom Vis Sci 2008; 85(10): E924-929.
22. Eiden SB, Davis RL, Bergenske P. Prospective Study of Lotrafilcon B Lenses Comparing 2 Versus 4 Weeks of Wear for Objective and Lubjective Measures of Health, Comfort, and Vision. Eye & Contact Lens 2013; 39(4): 290-294.