Wondama Bay coastal region has the potential of coastal resources and some marine biota in this area. Recently, coastal resources in Wondama Bay have been in a decline. The situation is probably related to the ecological pressure of anthropogenic activities. The increasing number of settlements around Wondama Bay reduces the mangrove forest area. The sedimentation rate increased in Wondama Bay which caused a damage to the ecosystems. Reduction of the carrying capacity of Wondama Bay needs to be managed to support the coastal resources such as fish, reef, and shellfish. The report objective is to describe the management of the coastal areas through Wondama Bay District's tourism regarding natural resources management policy. This report shows that the concept of sustainable coastal tourism management focuses on the coastal ecosystem's characteristics. In question, this is managed by considering aspects of environmental parameters, conservation, and the quality of community life. Then they are identified in a comprehensive and integrated manner through community, scientists, and government cooperation, to find management strategies of coastal of Wondama Bay District. The existence of the current coastal natural resources must be maintained so that it sustainably supports coastal tourism.