Groundwater vulnerability/soil corrosivity was carried out within the study area, with the sole aim of classifying groundwater and soil corrosivity into various classes with the aid of the resistivity method. For this study the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method was used, Schlumberger electrode configuration was used with maximum electrode spacing (AB/2) of 200 m in sixteen (16) different locations for data acquisition. Geoelectric parameters (layer resistivity and thickness) were determined from the interpreted data. Findings from Geoelectric Layer susceptibility indexing (GLSI) revealed that the northern, southern, and northeast of the study area value range of 70 to 160, 70 to 150, and 120 to 160 are considered to be highly vulnerable, vulnerable, and highly vulnerable respectively. The estimated result obtained from longitudinal unit conductance (S) showed that groundwater is considered to be slightly prone to contamination from the surface. Deduction from corrosivity revealed that VESs location showed no trace of corrosivity except for VES 15. According to findings from VES 15, underground metallic installations should be buried at a depth away from the aforementioned VES point.