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Assessment of Geothermal Energy as an Alternative Source of Clean Power in Ikogosi Using Aeromagnetic Data


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Heat is a form of energy, and geothermal energy is the heat that is stored inside the earth, which when transferred to the surface can be used by humans. Power and heat is a huge asset to any country due to its wide usage to improve the economy and well being of his people. The Aeromagnetic data of Ado-Ekiti Sheet 244 was subjected to spectral analysis with the aim of assessing the geothermal potential of the study area and environs. The software used for processing and interpretation are Oasis Montaj, Surfer 13. The Curie point depth values ranges from (7.0 - 15.0) km, the geothermal gradient values ranges from (36 - 81) °C/km and the heat flow values ranges from (95.0 - 205.0) mW/m2. The NW edge covering hosts the highest anomalous values of heat flow and geothermal gradient with corresponding shallowest values of Curie point depth Generally, for a viable geothermal reservoir, a heat flow range of 80 - 100 mW/m2 is recommended, hence it can be inferred that every region on the study area could be considered as having good prospect with high heat flow above 80 - 100 mWm-2.


  • Department of Physics, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
  • Department of Physics, Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria


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