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Role of Regulatory Policies and Benefits for Herbal Medicine Development in Vietnam


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Medicinal plant products make new treatment trends among patients compared to conventional medicines and those seeking holistic modalities for health and wellness. In Vietnam, legislative controls on herbal medicine were established by national laws and governmental regulations through the direct management of the Ministry of Health which aims to include herbal medicine use in the national health care system. This paper aims to review the regulatory policies on the country's production, registration, promotion, and use of herbal medicines. Current policies provide measures to regulate, implement, and monitor herbal medicines from production to consumption stages. However, improvements based on provisions from international standards can be adopted to guarantee efficacy and safety for public use. Policies are still lacking regarding the implications of long-term effects; and on potential interactions with other food and drugs. There is also a need to strengthen studies on the environmental determinants influencing the effectiveness of herbal products.






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  • Tourism Information Technology Centre, Vietnam National Authority of Tourism, Nui Truc, 10000, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Centre for High Technology Research and Development, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hoang Quoc Viet 18, 10000, Hanoi, Vietnam


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