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Landscape and birds diversity in the Kayabi and Apiaká indigenous territories in the Amazon rainforest


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This paper is a photographic summary of studies carried out in June 2011 in Kayabi and Apiaká indigenous territories, located on the margin of the Teles Pires River, between the states of Mato Grosso and Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon. A scientific expedition was carried out to analyze the environmental impacts of a project in the region and more specifically the possible interferences in the life of the indigenous inhabitants of the region and live in harmony with the environment. The photos show some structures of indigenous villages, the Teles Pires River, the riparian forest where studies were carried out and some of the bird species registered.


  • Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos da Vida Silvestre Rua Leonardo Mota, 66 - São Paulo-SP, ZIP 05586-090, Brazil


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