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Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Water and its Bioaccumulation in Fish Species from River Niger, Kogi State, Nigeria


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Pollution of the aquatic environment with toxic heavy metals has become a worldwide problem in recent years, because of their negative effects on human health. Three toxic heavy metals (Cd, Cr and Pb) were investigated in the river and organs (intestine, gills and flesh) of ten (10) different fish species (Heterotis niloticus, Heterobranchus longifilis, Protopterus annectens, Clarias lazera, Tilapia zilli, Clarias anguillaris, Clarias gariepinus, Mormyrus rume, Synodontis clarias and Auchenoglanis biscutatus) harvested from River Niger in Idah Metropolis were analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) techniques. The mean obtained showed the following concentration of heavy metals (mg/L) in the river: Cr = 0.3727, Cd = 0.1092, Pb = 2.0928. Cadmium was detected in four (4) out of the ten (10) fishes sampled with mean concentration values being H. longifilis = 2.3 ± 1.63 mg/kg, T. zilli= 10.7 ± 8.11 mg/kg, C. gariepinus = 3.4 ± 4.19 and A. biscutatus = 1.6 ± 1.19 mg/kg with T. zilli having the highest concentration value of Cd. Chromium was detected in all the fish species sampled with mean concentration values all higher than the WHO permissible limit of 0.15mg/kg. Lead was detected in five (5) out of the ten (10) fishes sampled, in the following concentration level; C. lazera > P. annectens > C. gariepinus > A. biscutatus > H. niloticus. The levels were all higher than the WHO recommended limit for fish and fish products of 2.0mg/kg. The result shows that the bioaccumulation factor of heavy metals in both the water and fishes was in the order Cr > Pb > Cd. Results revealed that, the bioaccumulation factor of the heavy metals in the fishes are beyond the tolerable levels, which indicated that the fishes are unfit for human consumption. Consequently, close monitoring and urgent mitigation strategies of these metals’ pollution of river Niger in Idah Metropolis, Kogi State is recommended with a view to minimizing the risk of health of the population that depend on the river for their water and fish supply.






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  • Department of Chemistry, College of Physical Sciences, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
  • Department of Chemistry, College of Physical Sciences, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
  • Department of Chemistry, College of Physical Sciences, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
  • Department of Chemistry, College of Physical Sciences, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria


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