ArticleOriginal scientific text


Badania mössbauerowskie chondrytów zwyczajnych typu H potwierdzają stopień ich zwietrzenia określony za pomocą skali W

Authors 1, 1, 1, * 2, * 1

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  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Fizyki
  2. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Biologii


Mössbauer measurements of ordinary chondrites type H performed in room temperature are presented. Three investigated meteorites: Carancas, Juancheng and Gao-Guenie are new falls with different terrestrial history. Results of weathering in different conditions during terrestrial life are well seen in their Mössbauer spectra. The level of weathering determined by scale W is in perfect agreement with Mössbauer measurements of these three ordinary chondrites.


Carancas, Gao-Guenie meteorites, Juancheng, Mössbauer spectroscopy, weathering


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