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Assessment of climate parameters and their relationship with aerosol optical depth over Katsina city, Nigeria


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Climate variability, characterized by fluctuations in weather patterns over time, significantly influences regional ecosystems and human societies. Tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere, aerosol, play a crucial role in climate variability by interacting with solar radiation and affecting cloud formation and precipitation. This study investigates the relationship between climatic parameters (rainfall and precipitation) and aerosol optical depth and their temporal variability in Katsina City, Katsina Nigeria, from 2002 to 2022. AOD exhibited pronounced seasonal variations, with a high value trend during the dry season. AOD was at its highest peak in 2008 and lowest trend in 2018. For the seasonal variation, AOD was observed least in the month of August during the study. Rainfall patterns displayed distinct seasonal trend, concentrated between April and October, while temperature at the study location during the study period was hot year through. In this study, a significant negative correlation was found between AOD and rainfall, suggesting that increased aerosol loading may inhibit precipitation. This finding aligns with the understanding that aerosols can modify cloud microphysics, potentially leading to less efficient rain formation. However, the relationship between AOD and temperature was found to be weak, indicating that other factors likely exert a stronger influence on temperature variations in the study area. Understanding the complex interplay between aerosols, rainfall, and temperature is crucial for assessing the impacts of climate variability and developing effective adaptation strategies. Further research is needed to investigate the specific mechanisms driving these interactions and to assess the potential impacts of these findings on regional climate and air quality management.


  • Department of Physics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria


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