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2023 | 14 | 114-133

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Charakterystyka petrologiczna i chemiczna meteorytu Antonin – klasyfikacja oraz zarys historii termicznej i uderzeniowej


Title variants

Petrology and chemistry of the Antonin meteorite – classification and reconstruction of thermal-collisional history

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Meteorite Antonin fell on 15th July 2021 in Poland. The bolide was observed and recorded by cameras of European Bolide Network, Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences. Soon after the fall, specimen of meteorite was recovered and delivered for classification. In this paper, analytical results collected in order to classify the Antonin meteorite are reported. Antonin is L5 ordinary chondrite with deformation degree S3 or S4. This paper includes reports of heterogeneous texture of chondrite and reports on chemical composition of minerals: olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, diopside and glasses, phosphates, chromite and ilmenite, as well as sulfides and native FeNi alloy. The minerals reveal different equilibration degree. Analysis of the texture and chemical composition of Antonin allows to put the meteorite in the framework of current classification of meteorites. It also facilitates making hypotheses on the thermal and collisional processes, that the meteorite experienced while on its parent body.








Physical description


  • Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norwegia


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