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Scientific and touristic expedition to the meeting the natural beauties in Arizona, U.S.


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This paper is a photographic summary of a scientific and touristic expedition carried out in May-June 2016 in Arizona State, U.S to know the natural beauties of the different ecosystems in the region, the U.S. National Park Service, and the structure of some National Parks, National Forests, and Wilderness Areas. The photos show some parks and wilderness areas structures, important geological formations, and some of the plants, birds, mammals, and lizards species registered.


  • Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos da Vida Silvestre, Rua Leonardo Mota, 66 - São Paulo-SP, ZIP 05586-090, Brazil
  • Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos da Vida Silvestre, Rua Leonardo Mota, 66 - São Paulo-SP, ZIP 05586-090, Brazil


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