Archaeological heritage comes under special protection owing to its subtlety and non-renewability of stratigraphic context and is closely connected with the surroundings. Relics of the past unveiled during archaeological explorations in the centre of a city or within its confines, which by law should remain in situ, may favourably affect the spatial development of the city, improve the economy of the region by increasing or intensifying tourism. The author emphasises the fact that the contemporary approach to the exposition of archaeological heritage need not be restricted to the form of reservation which creates a kind of a separate place of “historical sacrum”, but should incorporate it into the tissue of the city, revitalising the unveiled relics. Recently it has been an increasingly common phenomenon, proving the changes in the approach to the possibility of creation in the historic space of a city. The examples of the latest realizations presented in the article show the present-day tendencies in preservation design and heritage protection as well as a trend in the changes taking place.