Highly limited land acreages in Switzerland necessitate their protection. Assessment of current land development and utilization indicates the significant problem of the constant pressure of development on arable lands. One can observe the territorial expansion of cities as well as the existence of excessively large and improperly situated land reserves for construction. This situation additionally generates high costs of the development of cities and transport infrastructure development. The purpose of spatial policy in Switzerland is to provide effective land utilization. Spatial planning is one of the most important tools for regulating processes aimed at sustainable development. A legal obligation to determine clear-cut borders between developable and non-developable lands and to observe them rigorously has been introduced. These borders are specified in a spatial development plan at the communal level and approved at the cantonal level. This leads to the construction of compact cities with multifunctional structure. Swiss experiences in space shaping can inspire a search for methods of solving planning problems in Poland.