This paper is an attempt to present views (ideas, observations, thoughts) and dreams of the youth interested in urban planning connected with public spaces. Students state that public space for the youth, as well as for other users, should have its own unique atmosphere, appropriate colours, good proportions and connections with the surroundings. They should also emanate with the beauty of designed forms and materials. However, there are specific features of the space which are of most interest to the youth. Young people value “architectural jokes”. They dream about a possibility to meet in a group, in open spaces with places to sit, which are organized in a way that is suitable for them. People of this age appreciate public spaces with frontages which give them a feeling of shelter and privacy. They accept traditional ways of spending free time e.g. those offered by catering services, as long as the service is compatible with the surrounding architecture and composition that is cohesive with the surroundings. The youth dream about the introduction of new technological solutions to urban planning as well as innovative and partly interactive public spaces. They want to use green areas which would take them to a different, non-urbanized world where they could feel a mysterious atmosphere.