The paper is an attempt to present the views of today’s youth (represented by the students of Architecture) on public spaces. Young people’s needs are ignored or wrongly interpreted by urban planners. Young people want to be appreciated and noticed, that is why the space which is not entirely defined and which gives opportunity for self-creation is of most interest to them. The integration with people of various ages, from different social groups, has an educational influence on youths. Young people should have opportunity to present themselves and demonstrate their artistic skills because they need acceptance, unlike any other social group. The youth value multi-functional spaces which create opportunities to take part in different activities at the same time. Moreover, they often take the space which is not designed for them because of their need to be independent and original. The participation of the youth in the project makes them responsible for the space they created, in such a way that they take good care of it and do not allow others to devastate it.