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Recent Advances in Application of Transcriptomics: Research on Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Protists


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The application of molecular phylogenetics to research on protists has substantially transformed our understanding of their evolution and systematics. More recently, advances in molecular technology, including high throughput sequencing, has opened new avenues for genomic analyses that elucidate major aspects of protistan biology across all levels of biological organization from cellular to ecosystems. This is a review of recent advances (particularly in the last two decades) of transcriptomic research on heterotrophic and autotrophic protists within three major topics: (i) Physiology and metabolism, (ii) Development and life cycles, and (iii) Environmental and ecological studies. Emphasis is placed on selection of representative research that highlights findings across diverse taxonomic groups within each of the three topics. Examples are drawn from parasitic as well as free-living taxa to provide a broad overview of some of the research strategies, and major findings, that have emerged from application of transcriptomics and related techniques in advancing our understanding of protistan biology.






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