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Morphology and Ontogenesis of Hemiholosticha pantanalensis nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia, Psilotrichidae)


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The morphology and ontogenesis of a new psilotrichid ciliate, Hemiholosticha pantanalensis, were studied using live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. Diagnostic features of the new species include: a medium-sized, almost circular to broadly obovate body with a short anterior projection; two macronuclear nodules with a single micronucleus in between; a total of about 35 cirri arranged in three ventral, one postoral, one right and one left marginal row; three dorsal kineties extending along prominent ribs; an adoral zone occupying about 60% of body length; and intracellular, eyespot-bearing, green algae almost filling the body. The ontogenesis of H. pantanalensis follows the psilotrichid mode, being a mixture of features found not only in various hypotrich taxa but also in other spirotrich groups. Specifically, the oral primordium develops in a deep pouch as in euplotids and oligotrichs, the anlage for the undulating membranes does not produce cirri as in euplotids and some schmidingerothrichids, and the longitudinal ventral cirral row R3 develops from two anlagen as in some amphisiellids and kahliellids. Since psilotrichids are classified in a polytomy of main hypotrich lineages in 18S rRNA gene phylogenies, some of their ontogenetic features might be ancient spirotrich plesiomorphies while others might be homoplasies.








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  • Comenius University, Department of Zoology, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, FB Ecology and Evolution, Salzburg, Austria


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