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Propriofoot Concept Implemented in Physical and Sports Education Classes with the Aim of Improving Foot Health and Body Posture in Female Students


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The quality of the musculoskeletal system in children is important in terms of primary prevention of postural disorders in adulthood. The aim of the pilot study was to assess the impact of the Propriofoot Concept exercises within the physical and sports education classes on the postural health of female students with an emphasis on the foot, joint range of the ankle, the gait, pain elimination and overall body posture as a manifestation of its functionality. The sample consisted of Ʃ n = 27 high-school female students in age(x) 16.3 ± 0.7 years. In terms of data collection methods, standardized procedures and methods for physical education and physiotherapy practice were applied, focusing on the selected factors (an emphasis on the foot, joint range of the ankle, the gait, pain elimination and overall body posture) of the musculoskeletal system. Diagnostics were applied before and after the 6-month program. The obtained results show that the exercise programme based on the Propriofoot Concept had a significant (Wtest, p < 0.01) and positive effect on the structure and function of the foot, as well as flexion and extension at the ankle joint, which resulted in the elimination of foot pain and improvement of gait. The final assessment (V2) showed that the foot structure and function improved (p < 0.01) and had a positive influence on the overall body posture, as well as its individual segments, in which we found significant changes between V1 and V2. At the same time, we found a relationship between foot functionality and overall body posture, as well as between other monitored factors. These findings point to the importance of targeted exercises, implemented in physical and sports education, to female students’ postural health.


  • Faculty of Education CU, Department of Physical Education and Sports, FIEP, Slovakia
  • Sciences and Diagnostics Research Group, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • FISU Sports Director, Archery Expert, Olympic Champion B92 Archery, Switzerland
  • University of São Paulo, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, Brazil


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