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Effects of Sensomotor Communication System Based Exercises on Static Balance and Self-esteem in 7-12 Years Old Karate Pupils


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Karate is a martial art that require a high level of motor and functional abilities, discipline and mental concentration as well. Practicing Kata improves self-awareness and focus, but is not always included in a class agenda. The author’s of sensomotor communication system based exercises have combined principles of movement from martial arts for body awareness. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 12 weeks intervention program of sensomotor communication system based exercises on static balance and self-esteem in karate pupils. In the study 24 karate pupils in the age of 7-12 were included. Training years in karate varied from 1 to 4 years of practice. To assess static balance the Flamingo balance test was used, to evaluate self-esteem, a modified Rosenger self-esteem scale was used. The findings of this study showed a positive effect on static balance and a minor positive effect on self-esteem in karate pupils after the intervention. Sensomotor communication system based exercises could be used for balance and self-esteem improvement. Also, being a more understandable and clearer exercise system, the sensomotor communication exercise program could be a Kata alternative for younger children practicing karate.


  • Department of internal diseases, Rīga Stradiņš University, Riga, Latvia
  • Karate School, Full contact karate organization, Salaspils, Latvia


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