The research has aimed to determine the impact of fire on pools of soil organic matter and water retention in pyrogenic soil in meadow and forest areas. The following soil samples have been represented: moorsh, peat-moorsh, mineral moorsh and peat. The soil horizons represented: strongly dried peat-moorsh soil, medium-deep (MtIIc1 and MtIIIc1), mineral moorsh soil (Me11) and moorsh soil. Soil horizons have been determined on the basis of colour, decomposition of organic samples; bulk density and water retention have been analyzed in 100 cm3 stainless Kopecky metal rings. Bulk density was measured in undisturbed samples by the volumetric method. Soil water retention characterized by pF2.0 has been measured using sandbox analyzer. Soil organic carbon content was detected with Bushi analyzer. The lowest carbon content has been indicated by horizons with high ash content. As a consequence of various fire temperatures, we can observe different soil colour spectrum between N, 10YR and 5YR. Generally, the pools of water retention decreases because of the fire. We can observe differences between SOM pools and water retention pools in the meadow and forest soil. Water retention of pyrogenic soils drastically decreases in mineral-organic soils with angular sharply edged structure and peaty-ash or ash horizons.