ArticleOriginal scientific text
Leukocyte modifications during the first month after foaling in mares and their newborn foals
Authors 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
During early post-partum period both neonatal foals and peripartum mares are most susceptible to diseases. The aim of this study was to establish physiologic modifications of leukogram during the first month after foaling in mares and their newborn foals. To this end blood samples were collected from nine mares and nine foals (T0-T10), every three days from the 1st day until the 30th day after foaling. Samples were analysed for white blood cell (WBC) count and differential leucocyte counts. Two-way repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed, in postpartum mares WBC showed significant higher values at T0 (9.02±0.76) in respect to other time points, and at T2 (8.08±0.53) and T3 (7.92±0.59) compared to T1 (6.98±0.43), whereas in foals lower WBC values at T0 (6.11±0.49) compared to other experimental periods except T1 (6.90±0.94), and at T1 compared to T8 (7.95±0.61) and T10 (7.90±0.36) were observed.
The differential leucocyte counts showed significant modifications in the percentage of neutrophils (π<0.001) and lymphocytes (p<0.001) both in postpartum mares and in foals during the experimental period.
Furthermore ANOVA showed significant differences between postpartum mares and foals (P<0.01) in all studied parameters, and between postpartum mares and control mares in WBC and neutrophils values.
The obtained results provide suitable information about the influence of foaling on leukogram of periparturient mares and reveal WBC dynamics in newborn foals during the first month post-partum.
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