Thermus ruber is a producer of trehalose synthase, which catalyses the conversion of maltose into trehalose by intramolecular transglucosylation. The specific activity of cell-free extract of Thermus ruber cultivated on a media without saccharides was 0.016-0.028 U/mg protein and it increased up to 0.086 U/mg in presence of 0.5% maltose in the culture broth. The maximum degree of maltose conversion of about 90% was achieved at 10% substrate concentration. The trehalose synthase does not catalyse formation of trehalose from maltotetraose, maltohexaose and other oligosaccharides. The optimal temperature for enzyme activity was 65C. A maximum activity of the maltose transglucosylation was performed at pH 6.5. The highest yield of trehalose synthase was attained during cultivation of bacteria at 55C for 48 h on media composed of 0.5% peptone, 0.1% yeast extract and 0.5% maltose or starch.
Izabela Sinkiewicz, Katedra Chemii, Technologii i Biotechnologii Zywnosci, Wydzial Chemiczny, Politechnika Gdanska, ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdansk, Poland