Brassica napus has relatively small and poorly differentiated chromosomes. The total length, arm ratio and localisation of 18S-5.8S-26S rRNA genes formed the basis for the preparation of the ideogram of metaphase chromosomes. The morphometric features of the B. napus chromosomes allow for their classification into three morphological groups, but it is difficult to distinguish particular chromosome pairs within the groups. rRNA genes are present in 12 chromosomes of the diploid complement and are located in three chromosomal positions: secondary constrictions, terminal and pericentromeric regions. All rDNA loci at the secondary constriction are active. The signals of in situ hybridisation with rDNA co-localise with CMA positive bands in most of the loci. It was found that rRNA genes are good markers for some B. napus chromosomes, but still more cytogenetic markers are needed for the identification of all chromosome pairs.