The 14-3-3s constitute a family of highly homologous proteins, first discovered in brain tissue and now thought to be present in all eukaryotic cells. Recently, thirteen cDNAs in Arabidopsis, seven in human cells and six in potato plant were found, all encoding highly homologous 14-3-3 protein isoforms. While there is substantial progress in the identification of diverse partners of 14-3-3 in recent years, at least two important questions need to be answered. Is there any specificity within 14-3-3 isoforms in the binding of diverse partners? Does this binding affects plant metabolism or physiology in vivo? The significance of 14-3-3 protein in potato metabolism has been shown by the use of transgenic plants in which 14-3-3 protein has been either increased by the expression of a Cucurbita pepo cDNA or decreased by an antisense RNA method. It was thus proposed that 14-3-3 protein affect the carbohydrate metabolism in potato via the regulation of catecholamine synthesis. To answer the question on isoform specificity, the isoforms gene promoters were first analysed for specific domains content by the comparison with the known sequences accumulated in database. Then, the promoter characteristic was studied in transgenic plants transformed with reporter GUS gene under the control of the 14-3-3 promoter. The data obtained strongly suggest that the function of particular isoform at least partially derives from promoter specificity.