Measurments of hold-up and mixing power in air-water system for a new closed turbine impeller have been carried out. The influence of liquid level in the vessel and direction of bending blades has been investigated. The hold-up has been described by dimensional correlations (4), (5) and illustrated in Fig. 3, 4. One of the parameters in the equations is a specific mixing power in two-phase gas-liquid system. It has been described by the undimensional equations (7) and (8) as the dependence of the relative power on gas flow number and illustrated in Fig. 5, 6. The results of tests show that the effect of gas capacity on liquid hold-up is not dependent on the bending of the blades and the liquid level. The effect of the power of mixing changes depending of the liquid level. It becomes smaller with the increase of the liquid level. A more effective mixer is one with convex blades. It can achieve the similar constants of hold-up gases as in vessel with two turbine mixers of typical desing, but with twice smaller frequency of revolutions.