After duplicating the chromosome number by colchicine in sterile F1 16-chromosome hybrid T.pratense x T. diffusum some partially fertile plants with 32 chromosomes were found.Male fertility (viability of pollen grain) was from 69.3% to 86.2% , whereas female fertility estimated as seed setting after cross-and self-pollination was 21.8% and 6.9%, resp.Male and female fertility as well as somatic chromosome number were examined in the F2-F4 generations.Selection for female fertility resulted in increasing seed setting in the first two generations (F2 and F3) and in decreasing it in F4 generation.An average seed setting in the F2-F4 generations after cross-pollination amounted to 22.2%, 43.6% and 12.9%, respectvely; after self-pollination it was 25.2%, 27.6% and 1.9%.n the F2 generation all the plants had 2n=32 chromosomes.In the next generations there appeared aneuploids, among which 30-chromosome individuals were predominant.