Comparison of life history strategies of three Gobiida Pomatoschistus minutis (Pallas, 1770), P.microps (Kroyer, 1838), Gobius niger (Linnaus, 1758), (Pisces Teleostei) over their geographical range
The relationship between population structure and different environmental conditions were considered for three goby species in different geographical areas, particularly in the Mediterranean, Gulf of Lions and the Adriatic, and the cold temperate Atlantic, situated north of the English Channel. In the three species the life cycles in the Mediterranean favoured by the local hydroclimate are 'contracted' (growth is rapid and reproductive effort important) whereas, in the Atlantic, life cycles are 'protracted' with growth and reproduction equal to or less intense. Whatever the geographic position of the species, reproductive success remains very similar.
J-L. Bouchereau, Laboratoire d'Hydrobiologie Marine et Continentale, UMR-CNRS 5556, Universit? Montpellier II, Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, case courrier 093, Place Eugene Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 05, France