The objective of this article was to review the existing literature concerning the function and appearance of bile salts hydrolase (BSH) activity in bacteria of Bifidobacterium genus. Although bile salts hydrolase activity is common in intestinal tract, current knowledge on the influence of BSH activity on bile metabolism and cholesterol level in human organism is insufficient. BSH activity of bifidobacteria enhances production of deconjugated bile acids which are not well absorbed by the gut and are excreted. This action is contributing to the decrease of cholesterol level in human organism because cholesterol, as a precursor of bile acids, is utilized for de novo bile acids synthesis.
M. Ziarno, Katedra Biotechnologii, Mikrobiologii i Oceny Zywnosci, Wydzial Technologii Zywnosci, Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa, Poland