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Postmicrosomal protein fractions from short-time-predegenerated rat sciatic nerve

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The postmicrosomal protein fraction obtained from distal stumps of rat sciatic nerves at 0-6 days following transection were investigated by means of one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis. In all experimental groups, total amount of protein was significantly higher than in the control group. Proteins were resolved into 27 bands after SDS-PAGE. Their molecular weights ranged between 16.2 and 335.4 kDa. Eleven fractions displayed significant quantitative differences. After 2-D-electrophoresis, the pI of the proteins ranged from 4.2 to 7.4. They were resolved to 28 molecular masses from 13.5 kDa to 335.4 kDa. The greatest numbers of fractions (90-109) were observed on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th day after nerve transection. Thus, during first 6 days after transection intensive changes in protein fraction content and composition take place in the distal stump of peripheral nerve. These processes seem to be most prominent on the 4th day after lesion. Results confirm our earlier in vivo findings.


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Publication order reference

D. Gorka, Department of Physiology, Silesian Medical University, 18 Medykow St., 40-762 Katowice, Poland


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