The antibacterial activity of immune haemolymph Galleria mellonella directed against Escherichia coli D31 was destroyed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa crude proteolytic fraction. This was demonstrated by diffusion well assay and acid gel electrophoresis and subsequent bioautography. On the contrary, lysozyme activity appeared to be insensitive to extracellular proteases of P. aeruginosa when activity was determined using the bioautography method. In addition, no change in lysozyme protein level was observed by immunoblotting with specific antibodies directed against G. mellonella lysozyme, which confirmed that lysozyme was not degraded by the crude proteolytic fraction of P. aeruginosa. However, a significant decrease of lysozyme activity in naive and immune haemolymph exposed to the action of P. aeruginosa proteins determined by using diffusion well assay was observed. Mechanisms of the observed inhibition require further studies.