We used RAPD created polymorphism to analyze the diversity of wheat cultivars. Preliminary analysis of the wheat genome polymorphism by the RAPD indicated that the technique is useful for the identification of similarities between cultivars. Using 10 different primers we studied the pattern of specific amplified DNA fragments ? bands of 90 wheat varieties ? and we found that three of these primers generated high level of polymorphism. One of these primers, selected for further studies, generated 38 bands with molecular weight in the range from 215 to 1300 bp. For the purpose of diversity analysis, all polymorphic loci were scored as present/absent. The bivariate 1-0 data were used as the raw matrix. A square symmetric matrix of similarity was obtained using the Czekanowski-Sorensen coefficient. Similarity matrix was then used for cluster analysis using the Unweighted Pair Group Method of Averages (UPGMA) technique. A result was a fingerprint of all varieties, that allows for their identification. Using numerical taxonomy we identified in the analyzed group of varieties 10 clusters that indicated high variability of genetic material in this group.