It is generally accepted that Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) is specifically toxic to some insects but does not pose any threat to the environment, operators, or consumers. There are several other Bacillus species which can be used as effective bioinsecticides. In this study four different species of Bacillus, i.e., B. coagulans, B. megaterium, B. brevis, and B. sphaericus were isolated from soil samples collected from Kala Shah Kakoo and Kasur areas, in the suburbs of Lahore. Isolated Bacillus species were administered to mosquito larvae to evaluate their biocidal activity. B. coagulans I from Kala Shah Kakoo showed 93% mortality, while B. coagulans III from Kasur showed 70% mortality. Bacterial isolates most toxic to Anopheles larvae showed optimum growth at 37 ?C and pH 7. These isolates have a great potentcy to controlling anopheline population.