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2006 | 66 | 3 | 195-206

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Propagation of EEG activity during finger movement and its imagination

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We investigated the pattern of EEG activity propagation in the beta and gamma band during a finger movement experiment and imagination of that task. The data were analyzed by means of a short-time directed transfer function (SDTF) based on a multivariate autoregressive model. The signals from the right (or left) hemisphere were processed simultaneously (not pairwise), which is crucial for obtaining a correct picture of EEG activity transmissions. The pattern of propagation in the beta band involved for both tasks a decrease of the propagation from the motor areas during the execution of the movement ? less pronounced in the case of imagination. The performance of the motion was mainly connected with a short outburst of gamma activity from the hand sensorimotor areas. In case of imagination the gamma outflow lasted longer and concerned larger brain areas.




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Rafal Kus, Department of Biomedical Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, ul. Hoza 69, 00-682 Warsaw, Poland


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