In mammals, succesful implantation of semi-allogenic conceptus (embryo +trophoblast) in the maternal uterus is still an enigma.Its understanding will require better knowledge of the complex hormonal and immunological "cross-talk" between implanting conceptus and mother.IN several ungulate species, around the time of implantation, the trophoblast synthesizez and secrets interferons (IFNs), known as antiviral and immunomodualtory cytokines.THe IFN induction is transient (6-7 days long)), and reaches high levels in ruminants and pigs.This IFN synthesis in early pregnancy addresses two man questions:1)Is there a specific IFN gene regulation in trophoblast, and what are the molecular determinants of this specificity (coding and regulatory sequences) ? 2)What is (are) the effect(s) ogf IFN synthesis on the physiological and/or immune maternal response ? This area of research might find applications in animal breeding in particulatr through improvement of embryo transfer and increase in fecundity, in several animal species.