Karyological studies were carried out on six bisexual weevil species from five subfamilies, viz. ? Otiorhynchinae, Cleoninae, Curculioninae, Pissodinae, and Hylobiinae. The following chromosome numbers were found in individual species: in Peritelus leucogrammus Germ., Phyllobius cloropus (L.), and Hypera viciae (Gyll.) 2n = 22, n_ = 10+Xyp, in Curculio venosus Grav. 2n= 26, n_ = 12+Xyp, in Magdalis armigera (Foucr.) 2n = 36, n_ = 17+Xyp, in Lixus filiformis (F.) 2n = 44, n_ = 21+Xyp. The heterochromosomes of all the examined species form, in the first meiotic metaphase, a parachute bivalent. The mitoses were observed and analysed in three species. The karyotypes of Peritelus leucogrammus Germ., Phyllobius cloropus (L.), and Curculio venosus Grav. are constituted by metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes.