Selected clones of a new intergeneric species Hippeastrum x chmielii Chm. grow vigorously, flower abundantly and produce flowers in clear, vivid colors. The hybrid is suitable both for cut flower production and as a pot plant. A great demand for planting the material is expected, therefore it is necessary to elaborate an efficient micropropagation method where due to application of growth regulators the bulblets can be differentiated from different tissues. To meet this goal, the trials were undertaken to propagate this hybrid from inflorescence shoots (scapes) obtained from bulbs (clone 2/7) chilled for 3, 5 or 7 months at 4oC. Both the length of chilling and the growth regulators in the MS medium affected bulblet regeneration. On the medium without growth regulators bulblets were scarce and appeared only on shoot explants from bulbs chilled for 5 months. The presence of 2 mg?dm-3 isopenthenyladenine (2iP) and 0,2 mg?dm-3 alpha-naphtylacetic acid (NAA), as well as combination of the same auxin with 2 mg?dm-3 benzyladenine (BA), stimulated bulblet formation on the explants. After 3 months of chilling, the regeneration was the poorest and the longer the chilling period was the more bulblets were produced on explants, but only in the presence of growth regulators.