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2004 | 52 | 2 | 83-95

Article title

Functions of human complement inhibitor C4b-binding protein in relation to its structure

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Considering the destructive potential of the complement cascade, it is no surprise that there are several complement inhibitors present in blood and expressed on virtually all cells of the body to protect self tissue. C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is a potent soluble inhibitor of the classical and lectin pathways of complement. This large (500 kDa) plasma glycoprotein consists of seven identical 75 kDa alpha-chains and a unique 40 kDa alpha-chain that are held together by disulphide bridges. Both types of subunit are almost exclusively composed of complement control protein (CCP) domains. In recent years, detailed studies of structure-function relationships have yielded new understanding of the interactions between C4BP and the activated complement factors C4b and C3b, heparin, and vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant protein S. This review describes the localization of binding sites for a number of C4BP ligands in relation to well-established and novel functions of C4BP such as complement inhibition, protection of apoptotic cells from complement, CD40-dependent stimulation of B cells, and the contribution of a number of human pathogens to pathogenesis.




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Publication order reference

Anna M. Blom, Lund University, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Division of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital Malmo, S-205 02 Malmo, Sweden


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