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2007 | 55 | 1-2 | 41-46

Article title

Effect of bromocriptine on the larval skin of the green toad, Bufo viridis viridis Leurenti

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In the premetamorphic larval green toad, B. viridis viridis, as in other anurans, the skin is made up of a fibrous dermis and an epidermis of stratified epithelium. The effects of bromocriptine, an antiprolactin drug, on the premetamorphic skin of B. viridis viridis was examined. Bromocriptine, dissolved in rearing water at four different concentrations, induced a number of changes in the skin of treated tadpoles. In rough sequence of appearance, these changes include: retraction of the melanocyte dendrites, synchronous burst of the apical vesicles of the superficial epithelial cells, gradual disappearance of the melanosomes from the epithelial cells and widening of the intercellular spaces. In addition, macrophages appeared in the superficial dermis amongst the retracted melanocytes. White crystals were observed on the skin surface and similar crystals were ingested by the macrophages. Prolonged treatment with bromocriptine resulted in hypertrophy and extraction of some epidermal cells. Deep melanocytes of the mesenteries were not affected by bromocriptine- treatment indicating that the drug did not penetrate deep into the tadpole tissue. Whether the macrophages observed in the dermis were recruited from deeper tissues or were converted melanocytes is another issue in need of study.




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Publication order reference

Mohammad A. Al-Aadhami, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan


YADDA identifier

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