The paper discusses phosphate exchange across the sediment-water interface in the Pomeranian Bay in March 1996. The following parameters were additionally determined in the sediment cores sampled: humidity, ignition loss, organic carbon and organic nitrogen contents, content of phos-phorus inorganic forms (bound to calcium, aluminium and iron) and phosphate concentrations in interstitial waters, this last being measured at three sampling stations. The results indicate that a relationship exists between phosphate desorption and each of the above parameters, including the nature of the sediment. The sorption capacity was also found to be related to the location of the sediment sampling sites (distance from the mouth of the river Owina). At six stations phosphate fluxes from the sediment to water (obtained in a laboratory chamber experiment) ranged from 27 to 417 mmol?m-2?day-1. Phosphate concentrations in the near-bottom water were increasing during the incubation time.