The influence of red, yellow, green, blue and daylight light on micropropagation of tomato was investigated. Differences of plantlets growth after three and four weeks of regeneration were evaluated, too. There was distinct influence of red and yellow light on the shoots and internodes elongation, plantlets were easy-to-cut. Red and yellow light had favourable influence on the roots formation. The blue and daylight light inhibited the shoots and internodes elongation. Extension of the regeneration period had no influence on the growth of plantlets under red and yellow light.
B. Glowacka, Pracownia Biotechnologii, Katedra Roslin Ozdobnych i Warzywnych, Wydzial Rolniczy, Akademia Techniczno-Rolnicza, ul. Bernardynska 6, 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Poland