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The effect of mobilization techniques by the OMT Kaltenborn-Evjenth Koncept’s therapy for the range of motion and pain of patients with coxarthrosis


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Introduction Degenerative changes are one of the most often appearing causes of the afflic-tion located in the locomotor system where the hip joint is one of the most common locations. One can observe such symptoms as: limited movement, pain and muscle weakness. One of the therapy methods that are aimed at improving movement and reducing the affliction are techniques used in manual therapy (e.g. mobilization). The Kaltenborn-Evjenth method has been applied in physiotherapy practice for many years. The aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness of mobilization techniques directed at the synovial capsule (manual therapy) while treating degenerative changes of the hip joint. In literature no report that refers precisely to the subject mentioned above was found. Being assessed was the influence of therapy on the range of the joints movement and the level of pain. Material and methods A group of 20 people with degenerative changes of the hip joint were examined (16 women and 4 men, average age – 65 years). Measurements of the hip joint range movement were performed (the flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and rotation) and the assessment of the level of felt pain (VAS) before and after the therapy. The therapy using mobilization techniques taken from the Kaltenborn-Evjenth concept was conducted in a series of 6 therapy sessions lasting 2 weeks. Results In all comparisons of the range of motion in the hip joint an increasing was stated (p < 0.001) after the therapy. In the case of pain level a decreasing was observed (p < 0.001) after the therapy. Conclusions It seems right to use manual therapy techniques in physiotherapy proceedings in the course of the degenerative disease of the hip joint, aimed on for e.g. the synovial capsule.









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